Over these days, my birds are regurgitating in each other's mouths more. Will there be a future marriage?
Regurgitating in each other's mouths may be disgusting, but it's a sign of love for all budgies. Sasha really pumps up to do it! Now everyday I hear the nice music & cool action of my birds doing the 'regurgitating' act. They're beginning to do it more & more. If they do it too much, that'll be a sign that my birds will probably get married! Maybe I'm right - Sasha's a boy & Molly's a girl! Who knows if I'm wrong? But if they marry, all my plans will be right! What will happen next?
If your budgies do get married,how will you feel?
If my budgies get married, I will feel happy, because they might have budgie babies which I want & it will be very romantic with them regurgitating in each other's mouths with nice budgie music. It will just be my dream, I'll feel calm & happy.
To 'anonymous', please make a real & better comment about the article. But anyway, thanks for the comment!
Do you like it when your birds regurgitate,or do you think it's disgusting?
When my birds regurgitate, I think it's very cute. It just looks like they're kissing. You never actually see the vomit, you only see what looks like they're kissing. To me, it looks very cute & very adorable.
If your birds marry will you keep the chicks or sell them?
That's actually a great question Faith! Well if my birds marry which they probably will not do, I might do a 50/50 with the chicks. That means I might sell some or keep some. If I keep all which can be a lot of work, I'd won't have room for another bird like the african grey I'm getting soon. Anyways, thanks for the great comment.
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