Superbudgie Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Molly & Sasha are doing more than regurgitating in each others mouths. They're preening each others faces! What love!

Probably everybody heard about my birds regurgitating in each others mouths, but I never thought that they'd do something like this. They're starting to preen each others faces! They always make the cutest sounds when they do this & I know that it's a sign of love. I knew that my birds will probably marry! They're probably boy & girl! This can be a great situation! Well, we'll see what will happen with Molly & Sasha in another article.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Over these days, my birds are regurgitating in each other's mouths more. Will there be a future marriage?

Regurgitating in each other's mouths may be disgusting, but it's a sign of love for all budgies. Sasha really pumps up to do it! Now everyday I hear the nice music & cool action of my birds doing the 'regurgitating' act. They're beginning to do it more & more. If they do it too much, that'll be a sign that my birds will probably get married! Maybe I'm right - Sasha's a boy & Molly's a girl! Who knows if I'm wrong? But if they marry, all my plans will be right! What will happen next?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


When Molly sings, she sometimes makes these 'purring-like' sounds. Are they sounds she's trying to make, or even words?!

Everyday, Molly sings at a special spot on the front perch. I always listen for anything peculiar from Molly. For some amount of days, I hear these nice purring sounds from Molly. I always think about what those sounds are really trying to be. Sounds? Words? I'll probably never find out until Molly starts to make those purring sounds more clear. Maybe they're not words. It's just my hypothesis that Molly is trying to say words. I'll never know. But if they are in word or sound formations afterward, I was right. We'll find out soon.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


In not so long, we go to California, but what about the birds!? Who'll take care of them?!

This is a HUGE problem. We need to go to Palm Springs, California & we can't take our birds. So we need to find someone to take care of them. At least I talked to my aunt about caring for my birds. But will she do a good job??? It can be bad or good. I'll never find out how my birds will react to my aunt. It'll be a matter of events to see what happens afterward. If I hadn't thought of this before, my grandparents would've been yelling at me, "WHAT ABOUT THE BIRDS! YOU NEVER MADE A PLAN ABOUT THE BIRDS!" at California. We'll see what'll happen in another article.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sasha (yellow) & Molly (blue/black) are getting to be famous! Even though not much people visit my website, my birds are on a website! They can start talking & then... I'll be famous! They can probably go on television if they're trained enough! Molly sings a lot, so maybe, she'll learn words! These future thoughts may not be true, but if this happens, I'll make an article about it right away!