Superbudgie Blog

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Molly was able to get out of behind my huge cabinet with help from my family. I will thank them forever for doing this. Read on...

I dedicate this article to Molly, my father, my babysitter, my brother and my grandpa, who all made this possible.

Molly came out! Hooray! I give great thanks to my father, babysitter, brother and grandpa for helping very much with Molly. Let's get back to the story. Well, this is how Molly came out: My grandpa and my father pulled one part of the cabinet (that Molly was stuck behind) apart from the main part and that made a passage way for Molly. I couldn't really see it, but after that, I heard Molly flapping her wings and then I saw my babysitter grab Molly (not hard) and put her inside her cage. After that, I thanked them and gave Molly a bath. Thank goodness that Molly came out. About Sasha, she seemed relieved when Molly came back into the cage. This memory won't be stuck in the budgies' heads for long, they can only remember for around a few weeks. This memory will be stuck in my head forever. Note, this event happened several hours ago and I should've typed it then. Thank you all for reading and we'll see what happens next in the budgies' lives on my next article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 1:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously why on god's earth would you talk about your 2 gay little birds.I mean whats the point you nerd.Get a life and some friends. Get off this website!!!! Your ruining it

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:40:00 PM  

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